Monday, July 16, 2012

Guess What I Got Today??

That's right!  My very first FOSS kit.  Now, as its proud owner, it is sitting on the floor of my teeny tiny apartment living room.  ha!
Today, I went to the FOSS measurement training.  This was a great training for the fourth grade science GLE's because our first unit in Science covers measurement.  I felt that I could use pretty much all of the activities we did today and that it was right on target with my fourth grader's needs and ability levels.  It was a loong day, but I did feel like I got some really good stuff.  I can't wait to use it as we begin the year this year.
Most folks receive their kit after they attend training, but I was the "lucky" winner of the one the presenter used.  I am very glad it went to one of us at BCP so we are sure we have it for the beginning of the year, but I am beginning to get ready to get all this school stuff back in it's proper home instead of being all over my living room!

Mrs. Kelly

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